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Recruiting language learning study participants, Kymil/Dominic buttons are packaged, some more Red Embrace translations in the works

Recruiting language learning study participants, Kymil/Dominic buttons are packaged, some more Red Embrace translations in the works

Join Gamma’s language learning study! Kymil/Dominic buttons update, and Red Embrace Italian and Polish translations. s

Huge SCU bugfixes + voice lines in! Beta soon...

Huge SCU bugfixes + voice lines in! Beta soon...

Voice lines in for Self-Checkout Unlimited, bugfixing continues, maybe beta next week?!

Kymil and Dominic buttons have arrived!

Kymil and Dominic buttons have arrived!

We have some new buttons featuring Kymil (Requiescence) and Dominic (Red Embrace).

Beta progress + release goals for Self-Checkout Unlimited!

Beta progress + release goals for Self-Checkout Unlimited!

Continued internal beta for SCU, updates on progress!

Self-Checkout Unlimited internal beta testing

Self-Checkout Unlimited internal beta testing

SCU beta testing is well under way with some pesky bugs already rearing their heads at the start!

Animating a car bump scene

Animating a car bump scene

Quick code snippet for making the car ride animations in RE:H and DMR.

Self-Checkout Unlimited internal beta preparations!

Self-Checkout Unlimited internal beta preparations!

Getting ready for internal beta testing for SCU!

Blog posts right in your email

Blog posts right in your email

You can now receive blog posts in your email!

New SCU music teaser, programming update!

New SCU music teaser, programming update!

A new surreal track from SCU’s OST, plus programming update!

Yaoi+ game jam

Yaoi+ game jam

A new game jam to motivate creators to complete projects