A short general update on PC writing, art, and music!

Pale Cachexia Update


A short progress update this week!

The script progress for PC is around 80% or so. The list of remaining scenes for each chapter is steadily dwindling! wipes sweat

For art: We’re in the lighting and finalization stage for our last BG, and in the coloring stage for the CG we started this week! This puts BGs at around 96% and CGs at around 70% finished.

For music: Working on final mixes for most of the tracks! A couple of them are still in the composition/editing phase, but the majority are just about ready to go in the game! We’d say we’re about 85-90% finished.

Esther in a dark nightshirt lying on a pillow

What heartwarming scene could this be? (´͈ ᵕ `͈ )

Weekly Dev Stream


Tomorrow, we’ll be doing a dev stream at the normal time: 0730PST/1030EST! We hope you’ll stop by to join us. :)

Questions or Comments?

Feel free to send in questions about any AG games (or dev-related questions)! Our Ask Box is always open.

Thanks so much for all of your amazing support, and stay safe out there!