A music teaser for Pale Cachexia and general dev update!

Pale Cachexia Update

pale cachexia key visual

Click to visit the demo page!

If you missed it previously, the PC demo is now live! Download it on Itch.io!

Music Teaser

We’ve got a music teaser for you today, featuring one of the tracks from the Pale Cachexia OST!

This track, as you can probably imagine, is for calmer and more emotional moments.

Progress Update

This week, writing progress continued on the game’s middle chapters! It’s difficult to put a solid percentage on completion right now, but things are moving along nicely.

We’re also in the editing/sketch phase for a new BG and CG! In the meantime, take a sneak peek at part of a recently finished BG~

pale cachexia BG of a graveyard

Dev Stream Tomorrow!

twitch logo

Tomorrow, we’ll be doing a dev stream at our usual time: 0730PST/1030EST! We hope you’ll stop by to join us. :)

Questions or Comments?

Feel free to send in questions about any AG games (or dev-related questions)! Our Ask Box is always open.

Thanks so much for all of your amazing support, and stay safe out there!