Take 30% off all items in the Argent Games store with coupon code: NEWYEARS2021
AG Shop Sale

Happy holidays everyone! New Red Embrace: Hollywood keychains are in stock! Just in time for our storewide holiday sale! Starting today until January 5, 2021, you can get 30% off all orders at the Argent Games Shop! At checkout, enter in the coupon NEWYEARS2021 to receive the discount. The coupon has unlimited use!

Questions or Comments?
Q: Have there been any discussions of SCU anywhere? It seems fascinating and I’d love to play it, and I’ve greatly enjoyed all the works Argent Games put out so far with REH being my favourite as the writing is phenomenal, but I played the demo and unfortunately got horribly ill from motion sickness and have done so every time I tried to replay, but I’d love to know more about it.
A: You can find discussions of the game in our Discord server! There is a dedicated channel #scu-general. If watching others play is an option to avoid motion sickness, you can also find several full let’s plays on Youtube and Twitch. Here’s the youtube search.
A few videos:
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Thanks so much for all of your amazing support, and stay safe out there!