New game announcement: Self-Checkout Unlimited!

New Game: Self-Checkout Unlimited!

Self-Checkout Unlimited key visual

summary banner

An empty shopping mall after closing time.

Lost and alone inside a picture-perfect labyrinth.

As sunset slowly approaches, navigate between surreal stores to find the exit key, with only two cheerful PA announcers to keep you sane. Can you unravel the mystery of your journey before it’s time to say goodbye?

“Thank you for choosing Wilson Center Mall—a single stop for everything you’ll ever need!”

Inspired by the 8-circuit model of consciousness, the mallsoft genre, and the book Angel Tech by Antero Alli, Self-Checkout Unlimited is a unique exploration of both mind and matter.

Itch page:

mall interior 1
features banner

Genre: Adventure, exploration, philosophical, surreal

Length: Short (~1 hr, replayable)

Est. Release: Summer 2020

mall interior 2
team banner
mall exterior 1

Game Background & Goals

Welcome to AG’s first 3D game! Today is an exciting day.

For those of you who are familiar with our previous projects—all visual novels—you may be wondering: why is AG creating a totally different type of game?

SCU is primarily intended to be a short, experimental project as AG expands to different genres beyond visual novels. While it marks a large departure from our previous games in terms of design, our goal is to grow proficient with Unreal Engine whilst also delivering a fun, thoughtful story experience for our players.

Once we become more familiar with 3D tools, we plan to create larger-scale 2D/3D games with a narrative focus—harkening back to our visual novel roots but also incorporating real-time gameplay elements.

Kickstarter & VA Plans

We’re planning a small Kickstarter for SCU in late February to cover art and music costs! More information will be revealed as we compile our playable demo and decide on a timeline.

There will be a minimum of two voice acting roles available for SCU—aspiring VAs, keep an eye out for a casting call announcement before long!

Questions or Comments?

Feel free to send in any SCU or AG-related questions! Our Ask Box is always open.

Thanks so much for all of your amazing support!