SCU update! Voice acting auditions now being reviewed~

SCU Dev Update

Self-Checkout Unlimited key visual

Welcome to the fourth dev update for AG’s latest game: Self-Checkout Unlimited! (If you haven’t seen SCU’s announcement post, make sure to check it out for details here!)

We’ve made a huge amount of programming and art progress this week! We’re currently on track to have our working demo finished by the end of February.

Fountain test scene


Here are a few key features that were implemented this week, and are now being edited/prettified:

(Voice acting implementation test ft. the wonderful pipes of Kymil from our first game, Requiescence)

SCU VA Auditions Closed

Our voice acting call is now closed! We got a huge amount of amazing submissions, so a big thank you to everyone who auditioned!

Due to the large number of auditions, we unfortunately won’t be able to reply to every submission individually. However, we’ll be announcing our picks within the next few days, so keep an eye out!

Questions or Comments?

Feel free to send in any SCU or AG-related questions! Our Ask Box is always open.

Thanks so much for all of your amazing support!