Quick update from Ren’Py <7.3 to 7.3 for choice history logging.
Choice history logging
It’s where you see which choice you selected in the Log.
Before, we had some sort of hack in one of our code scripts. Ideally, we would want another similar such hack for Ren’Py 7.3+ versions, but due to some difficulties, we have instead added the choice update to the base Ren’Py engine code. Hopefully this is only temporary.
Change the menu
function in renpy/exports.py
def menu(items, set_expr, args=None, kwargs=None, item_arguments=None):
Displays a menu, and returns to the user the value of the selected
choice. Also handles conditions and the menuset.
global menu_args
global menu_kwargs
args = args or tuple()
kwargs = kwargs or dict()
nvl = kwargs.pop("nvl", False)
if renpy.config.menu_arguments_callback is not None:
args, kwargs = renpy.config.menu_arguments_callback(*args, **kwargs)
if renpy.config.old_substitutions:
def substitute(s):
return s % tag_quoting_dict
def substitute(s):
return s
if item_arguments is None:
item_arguments = [ (tuple(), dict()) ] * len(items)
# Filter the list of items on the set_expr:
if set_expr:
set = renpy.python.py_eval(set_expr) # @ReservedAssignment
new_items = [ ]
new_item_arguments = [ ]
for i, ia in zip(items, item_arguments):
if i[0] not in set:
items = new_items
item_arguments = new_item_arguments
set = None # @ReservedAssignment
# Filter the list of items to only include ones for which the
# condition is true.
if renpy.config.menu_actions:
new_items = [ ]
for (label, condition, value), (item_args, item_kwargs) in zip(items, item_arguments):
label = substitute(label)
condition = renpy.python.py_eval(condition)
if (not renpy.config.menu_include_disabled) and (not condition):
if value is not None:
new_items.append((label, renpy.ui.ChoiceReturn(label, value, location, sensitive=condition, args=item_args, kwargs=item_kwargs)))
new_items.append((label, None))
new_items = [ (substitute(label), value)
for label, condition, value in items
if renpy.python.py_eval(condition) ]
# Check to see if there's at least one choice in set of items:
choices = [ value for label, value in new_items if value is not None ]
# If not, bail out.
if not choices:
return None
# Show the menu.
old_menu_args = menu_args
old_menu_kwargs = menu_kwargs
menu_args = args
menu_kwargs = kwargs
if nvl:
rv = renpy.store.nvl_menu(new_items) # @UndefinedVariable
rv = renpy.store.menu(new_items)
menu_args = old_menu_args
old_menu_kwargs = old_menu_kwargs
# If we have a set, fill it in with the label of the chosen item.
if set is not None and rv is not None:
for label, condition, value in items:
if value == rv:
except AttributeError:
if rv is not None:
for label, condition, value in items:
if value == rv:
"""Log a choice-menu choice, which is passed in as item_text.
Implementation based on add_history() in renpy/character.py."""
h = renpy.character.HistoryEntry()
h.who = ""
h.what = "{color=#B72424}{u}" + label + "{/u}{/color}"
h.what_args = []
if renpy.game.context().rollback:
h.rollback_identifier = renpy.game.log.current.identifier
h.rollback_identifier = None
while len(renpy.store._history_list) > renpy.config.history_length:
except :
Since this triggers in the general menu
function, it should log choices to your history in both ADV and NVL menu modes.