We examine a few different tasklists and scheduling methods used. Cover image by Discord member CipherMeisa.

To-do list doodle with a kitchen, some coffee, a devil, and an egg.

Egg. By CipherMeisa


Schedule: (3) a procedural plan that indicates the time and sequence of each operation –Merriam-Webster

A conversation in our Discord came up regarding what the schedule of a game developer (specifically at Argent Games) might look like, or how do we figure out and complete the tasks that require doing.

Here is a sample schedule that may or may not be representative of an actual schedule of one of Dovah or Gamma.

Activity Time
Wake up 7am
Breakfast snack 7:10am
Work 7:45am
Lunch? 1pm
Work 1:45pm
Workout 3pm
Work 4:15pm
Dinner 6pm
Work 7pm
Fun time? 10:30pm
Sleep 12:15am

How about another definition for Schedule.

Schedule: (4) a procedural a body of items to be dealt with –Merriam-Webster

We’ve tried many different methods for figuring out what tasks we need to do for the day, week, and sometimes, month.

A notepad with blocks carved out for various tasks and a title 'I can't remember sh*t!'

Try really hard to remember things, but first, figure out how to categorize everything properly.

We used the Spreadsheet for a while to great effect, writing down deadlines and dates the tasks were actually completed. But the Sheet became too messy after a while, and we just stopped filling it out. We moved to the wonderful ~timeline~ calendar and still use it, though it is certainly less effective now. Our latest (and currently most useful) method is to type it out into a dev chat and assign the tasks to each other.

Dovah assigning Gamma tasks for the day

Please help Gamma out.

Screen readers

We’re trying to ensure our blog posts are accessible to the vision-impaired, and all of our images have alt-text and meta descriptions that screen readers should be able to read. Modern smartphones have some accessibility functions to enable screen reading capability in their Settings.

We welcome any feedback in making our pages more accessible, as there is always the possibility that we have missed something!