Trying out a weekly dev stream!

Dev Stream

Last week, we did our first (proper?) dev stream on Twitch! You can follow us at There were some technical difficulties with setting up images that light up when one of us is speaking, as well as software spontaneously crashing, but it was otherwise quite an enjoyable few hours!

screenshot of the dev stream. two photoshop windows are open in the upper left and bottom right corners, with the dovah and gamma chibis in the upper right and bottom left corners. the dovah sprite is lit up indicating speech

Inner window for the workspace isn't showing up!

You can watch the VOD here:

We streamed some translation work on RE (Italian) and YDD (Russian). Setting aside some dedicated time to work on these translations should hopefully see them out the door soon! They have been on pause for much too long during SCU development.

Twitch still doesn’t seem to have a nice way of putting multiple streamers on a single stream (without having Partner status?), so we hacked together a way by having Dovah stream to Twitch while Gamma ran a Discord Screenshare session that Dovah then joined. We were running the Discord session in a private chat, but next time, we will try to do it in the AG Discord server so that people watching the stream can also chat with us using voice! Gamma had to screenshare the full display, so the Twitch chat was inaccessible.

If you have any thoughts on how to improve our dev stream, we’d love to hear them. Just drop them into our Ask box or submit a Form message.

Our next stream is scheduled for Saturday, November 7 @ 8-10:30 PST (the US just had daylight savings). We’ll be continuing translation work and hope you’ll join us on Twitch and Discord!

Questions or Comments?

Feel free to send in any AG-related questions! Our Ask Box is always open.

Thanks so much for all of your amazing support, and stay safe out there!